I would like to tell you about Rogers Software free webpage account, for an example go to https://rogerst7919.rjswebhost.com/~example. This is how it starts; you can upload your own files when you add an account. This website is free to you, but there is no support for the web user website. You can add programs to the site by using the ftp program manager at https://www.net2ftp.com. You can upload files with the ftp program on your computer, try the website to see the examples.
All you do to get one is to sign up for one, you have ftp access to the account, MS asp support, MS asp net support, SSI support, PHP support, CGI support, additional write/modify permission. With 10 MB of disk space, if you don’t know how to html code there is help on the website for you. You can download the framework, go to downloads and click on the file link example.zip.
You can change the text and links but be careful not to change the wrong thing, please read the readme file first. Go to the about us screen to read file, this will tell you what you can change. You can also get a free e-mail address for your web page, or you can keep your address.